Contact: Kristie Eshelman
Mobile: 732-216-6902

WASHINGTON, D.C. August 20, 2024 — Today, U.S. Representatives Dusty Johnson (R-SD), Don Bacon (R-NE), Pete Stauber (R-MN), Julia Brownley (D-CA), Angie Craig (D-MN), Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), and Dina Titus (D-NJ), introduced the Supporting Opportunities to Build Everyday Responsibility Act of 2024 (SOBER Act). The bill would provide funding for “24/7 Sobriety” programs, which reduce crime attributable to alcohol and drug abuse. The Niskanen Center is proud to have worked with the sponsors to develop this critical legislation.

“Reducing the obvious harms from alcohol and drug abuse is an urgent policy priority, and the SOBER Act will get the job done,” says Greg Newburn, Niskanen’s director of criminal justice. “We are grateful to Representative Johnson and the bill’s bipartisan cosponsors for their leadership on this important issue.”

“South Dakota has been leading 24/7 sobriety programs for nearly twenty years with positive results. The SOBER Act allows this success to be available for every state,” said Representative Johnson. “I’m grateful for the work the Niskanen Center has done to advocate for this legislation to encourage sobriety and safe driving, which prevents accidents and saves lives, one person at a time.”

Crimes attributable to alcohol and drugs cost the United States more than $120 billion annually. Meanwhile, one in four federal prisoners and nearly one in three state prisoners reported drinking alcohol at the time of their offense, and more than one in five state prisoners met the criteria for alcohol use disorder in the year before prison admission.

The SOBER Act authorizes the appropriation of $50 million over five years. The resources would go to states to create, sustain, and expand 24/7 Sobriety programs and collect data to assess their impact on crime, recidivism, and incarceration. The bill’s annual appropriation represents about 0.008 percent of the annual cost of crime attributable to substance abuse. By reducing crime and recidivism, the bill is expected to reduce federal spending over the long term.

The SOBER Act is also endorsed by the National Sheriffs’ Association, Major County Sheriffs of America, the National Association of Police Organizations, and the National District Attorneys Association. 

The Niskanen Center is a 501(c)(3) advocacy organization established in 2015 to change public policy through direct engagement in the policymaking process.
