We know that COVID-19 affects everyone, regardless of their immigration status. It is more critical now than ever that all individuals have access to testing and treatment that will help America overcome this crisis, and are not subject to treatment and conditions that will increase their likelihood of exposure or needlessly risk their health and safety.
Niskanen’s Vice President of Policy and Director of Immigration Kristie De Peña reviews the multitude of impacts COVID-19 is having on immigrants’ ability to seek treatment and care, and where changes must be made in order to keep them—and the American public—safe. Niskanen’s Governmental Affairs Manager for Immigration, Matthew La Corte, details changes that would help protect the health and safety of key immigrant employees in the United States, and how we can capitalize on the role of immigrants in critical healthcare and essential jobs.
During these briefings, we hope to give Niskanen Center supporters and our other allies in the philanthropic community an insider’s perspective regarding what’s happening on Capitol Hill, how Niskanen is informing the legislative and policy debates, and other important topics where our work and engagement relate to the current crisis.