Teresa Bejan

Oxford University

Teresa M. Bejan is Professor of Political Theory and a Fellow of Oriel College at the University of Oxford. She is the author of Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration (Harvard, 2017) and First Among Equals: Ideas of Equality and the Demand for Standing (forthcoming), as well as many peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on themes of toleration, equality, civility, and free speech. She is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including the American Political Science Association’s Leo Strauss Award (2015), the Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought’s Early Career Prize (2020), and the Philip Leverhulme Prize for Politics (2022). Currently, she is editing the Clarendon Edition of Locke’s Four Letters on Toleration for Oxford University Press.

Teresa's Analysis

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